Translate the verbs into French
Crossword - Click on the number to see the clues
Choose the right subject
Write the infinitive of the verb underlined
Find the odd one out
Verbs - General
Choose the right tense
Choose the right part of Aller
Finir - Choose the right subject
Past tense
Decide if the sentences are correct or not
Write the infinitive of the verbs in the past tense
Perfect - Jumbled up sentences
Reflexive verbs
Reflexive verbs - Choose the right answer
Reflexive verbs - Fill in the gaps
Reflexive verbs - Translate the verbs into French
Future tense
Near future - Fill in the gaps
Sudoku on future tense to print out (pdf)
Write the infinitive of the verb in the sentence
Find the odd one out
Fill the gaps with the right pronouns
Direct pronouns - Who wants to be a millionaire
Find the odd one out
Fill in the gaps to print out - adjective agreement
Wordshoot - Superlatives
Choose the right word
Write the adjectives down
Comparative - Jumbled up sentences
Jumbled up sentences
Make the sentences negative
Other grammar points
Quantities - Jumbled up sentences
Quantities - Wordsearch
Choose between "quel" and "quelle"
Balloon game - tout/toute/tous/toutes
Decide if the expressions of time are for the past, the present or the future
Decide if the items of clothing are masculine or feminine
Choose the right plural
How to translate "to"
Choose between leur and leurs