Introducing the vocab
Presentation - The alphabet
Presentation - Days of the week
Presentation - Talking about the weather
Presentation - Numbers 13 to 21
Presentation - Talking about your age and where you live
Exercises - 1 to 21
Match the sounds and the English words
Listen to the words and spell them
Wordshoot - Numbers 1 to 21
Numbers 1 to 21 - Wordsearch
Numbers 1 to 21 - Crosswords
Dunk the teacher
Exercises - Numbers 13 to 21
Memory game
Balloon game
Listen to the numbers and choose the right answer
Put the numbers in the right order starting with the smallest
Dunk the teacher
Exercises - Talking about yourself
Listen to the sentences and choose the right answer
Listen to the French words and match them with their English equivalent
Fill in the gaps
Read the questions and choose the right answer
Match the French and English words
Read the sentences in English and fill in the gaps
Personalities - Wordshoot
Personalities - Match the words and the sounds
Personalities - Wordsearch
Personalities - Dunk the teacher
Personalities - Crosswords
Unjumble the sentences
Exercises - Alphabet
Listen to the words and spell them
Match the French sounds and the English words
Same as above but this time the words are hidden!
Put the letters in alphabetical order
Exercises - Days of the week
Memory game
Put the days of the week in the right order,starting with Monday
Dunk the teacher
Choose the right day of the week
Match the French words and the pictures
Wordshoot - Days of the week
Put the days in the right order starting with Monday
Splat the teacher
Exercises - Weather
Jumbled up sentences
Choose the right picture
Match words and pictures on the weather
Match words and pictures on the weather
Dunk the teacher
Match the audio files and the sentences
Read the sentences and fill in the gaps
Vocab and pronunciation
Key phrases
The alphabet
The weather
Days of the week
Numbers 13 to 21