Introducing the vocab
Presentation - The head
Presentation - Talking about parts of the body
Presentation - Giving your opinion about sport
Presentation - Talking about sports
Exercises - Parts of the body
Memory game
Splat the teacher
Dunk the teacher
Spell the words. Be quick, you're being timed!
Listen to the people speaking and choose the right picture
Dunk the teacher
Exercises - Les sports
Memory game
Splat the teacher
Dunk the teacher
Listen to the people speaking and choose the right picture
Look at the pictures and write the words in French
Match the French and the pictures
Listen to the words and spell them. Be quick, you're being timed!
Balloon game - Choose the right answer
Unjumble the sentences
Exercises - Responding to questions about your favourite sports
Match the sentences in French and in English
Read the texts and decide if the sentences are true or false
Unjumble the sentences
Match the French and English words
Choose the right picture
Unjumble the sentences
Match the beginning and the end of sentences
Wordshoot on hobbies
Listen to people talking about their hobbies and choose the right picture
Vocab and pronunciation
Parts of the body
Discussing sports