Dame Souris by Paul Verlaine - Fill in the gaps
Dame Souris" by Paul Verlaine - Listen to the poem and tick the 4 colours mentioned
Le bonhomme de neige by Jacques Prevert - Write the right adjective
Le bonhomme de neige by Jacques Prevert - Choose the right answer
Le bonhomme de neige by Jacques Prevert - Fill in the gaps by listening to the poem
Mon cartable by Pierre Gamarra - Find the French for …
Déjeuner du matin by Jacques Prévert - Find the past participle in the text and write them down
Yannick Noah "On court" - Listen to the song and write down how many times you can hear the sound "court"
Yannick Noah "On court" - Fill in the gaps
Yannick Noah "On court" - are the words in the song?
Michel Sardou "Comme d'habitude" - decide if the words are in the song
Zaz "Je veux" - True or false
Zaz "Je veux" - Fill in the gaps
Grand Corps Malade "L'éducation nationale" - part 1
Grand Corps Malade "L'éducation nationale" - part 2
Le petit prince de Saint-Exupéry - Extract 1
Le petit prince de Saint-Exupéry - Extract 2